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Transcendt Phoenix Solutions (TPS) is recognised as a one-stop provider of innovative equipment connectivity solutions, software solutions, equipment automation and hardware solutions.

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Remote Equipment Center Control (RECC)

Industry 4.0 – Smart Manufacturing Revolution

Remote Equipment Control Center (RECC) can be implemented for a group of machines regardless of machine types. RECC has a Host PC with TCP/IP connections. It’s able to access, control, and monitor a group of machines to do the following:

  • Remote Access and Total Control of all machines over the network.
  • Clear and Assist errors, alarms, and stoppages remotely @ RECC Host PC.
  • Multi-level User Access Security and Privileges.
  • Able to AUTO CLEAR or RESET non-critical/assist errors (can be pre-defined errors) without human interaction.
  • Auto-select program/recipe name or defined key or mouse sequence to perform some critical tasks.
  • Password control features
    • User must scan his or her ID -> RECC will verify the user ID & machine security level -> RECC will access the machine screen to perform Password login sequence
    • Provide a smart method to capture user password which minimizes error to log in for each task
    • User activities will be logged & kept at RECC Host PC
  • Critical Process Parameters Check: Machine will prompt users with alarm once the Process Parameter is out of range
  • Allow the user to proceed with the remote troubleshooting
    • RECC will capture the machine screen if an alarm occurred. If it is a warning or non-critical alarm, then the operator can press the “reset” button of the machine remotely or RECC can perform an auto-machine “reset” button based on user-defined alarm listing at RECC Host PC to clear this alarm and let the machine to continue to run.
    • Users can perform machine fine-tuning, adjustment & configuration at RECC to troubleshoot the machines (i.e., no mechanical & hardware troubleshoot)
  • Provide reporting and historical data to analyze results, actions, and improvements.